Education Newsletter Interview March 2019:

Instructor Profile Sabina Monn in Education Newsletter from Majestic Theater Corvallis in March 2019: view (on page 3)

Education Newsletter Interview September-October 2019:

How does the art of clowning helpactors connect to their deeperemotions?

"In my clowning class,there is a focus on listening and connecting to ourselves and each other, which helps to become more aware of our own inner feelings, thoughts, and expressive habits by observing our physical actions and reactions, by mimicking and amplifying other actor’s movements and tone. Reducing the words we use intensifies the core messages of the clowns, their true feelings in a simple way, from heart to heart, from actors to audience, allowing us to smile and wonder..."

Instructor Profile Sabina Monn in Education Newsletter from Majestic Theater Corvallis in September-October 2019: view (on page 3)


Fifty Word Story Publication on Web on June 19, 2015: view

About Me

Sabina Monn studied music and movement education at a College of the Arts in Switzerland and taught a variety of subjects (to all ages: toddlers to adults) as music, rhythmics, dance/movement, drama, musical, choir, children’s orchestra, group percussion, piano, cello, voice and art. She taught at different schools, churches, community centers as well as private lessons. She specializes in combining improvisation and play.