All the classes
Outdoor Zumbini (Ages 0-4)
Outdoor Zumba® Kids (Ages 7-11)
Virtual Zumbini
Freestyle Dance and Singing
Virtual Freestyle Dance - Majestic Education
Zumba Kids (Ages 7-11) - Majestic Education
Clowning Around: Create Your Own Physical Comedy Character - Majestic Education
Virtual Zumbini (Ages 0-4) - Majestic Education
Freestyle Dance Online
Virtual Zumba® Kids
Dancing to Our Own Music
Paint to Live Improvised Cello Music - Online Class
Clowning Around
Good Morning and Freestyle Dance
Serious Silliness with Class Clowning!
Monday Evening Slow Motion Contact Improvisation Dance Class & Jam
Create and Develop Your Own Physical Comedy Character
Dance and Play with Your Preschooler
Slow Motion Contact Improvisation Dance Basics
Dance & Play With Your Preschoolers
Slow Motion Contact Improvisation Dance -Basics
Good Morning Dance!
Polyrhythmic Schooling
Zumba Gold @ TAC
Zumba @ TAC
Zumba @ C3 Commnunity Center
Zumba Chair @ C3 Community Center
Virtual Zumbini
Freestyle Singing and Dancing through LBCC
Zumbini Virtual class through LBCC
Let's Sing in German! through LBCC
Virtual Zumba Chair through LBCC
Ryhthm Flow Balance through LBCC
Dance Meditation through LBCC
Fit and Strong @ C3 Community Center

Outdoor Zumbini
Back to classesAges 0-4
Created by Zumba®, the global leader in dance fitness, and BabyFirstTM, the global leader in educational programming for babies, Zumbini® is an early childhood education program that uses original music and movement to promote cognitive, social, fine/gross motor skill, and emotional development from children ages 0 – 4, all while creating the ultimate bonding experience for a parent or legal guardian in our original, “mommy and me” format.
During this ten-week class, we will be singing, dancing/moving, clapping, using instruments (drums, bells, sticks, egg shakers, scarves or at-home alternatives) and we’ll get a digital access code to practice/repeat the kid-friendly world rhythms and sing-along music from class at home through the Zumbini® app.
Registration covers one infant/toddler student and their caregiver, and it includes the cost of the digital access code for music through the app!
Please Note: Because of COVID space restrictions, caregivers will need to do their best to keep their little ones within their 6-foot bubble at all times.
- Schedule & Registration info:
- Fridays, April 16, 2021 to June 18, 2021
- 10:00am to 11:00am
- Ages: 0-4 with a caretaker
- Price: $185.00 (Resident), $229.00 (Non-resident)
- Bruce Starker Arts Park (Parks and Recreation Corvallis/Majestic Theatre)
- To register and more information please click link below: Outdoor Zumbini
Outdoor Zumba Kids
Back to classesAges 7-11
Perfect for our younger Zumba® fans! Kids 7-11 years old get the chance to be active and jam out to their favorite music while enjoying the spring breeze at Bruce Starker Arts Park.
How It Works
Zumba® Kids classes feature kid-friendly routines based on original Zumba® choreography. We break down the steps, add games, activities and cultural exploration elements into the class structure.
Helps develop a healthy lifestyle and incorporate fitness as a natural part of children's lives by making fitness fun. Classes incorporate key childhood development elements like leadership, respect, team work, confidence, self-esteem, memory, creativity, coordination, cultural awareness.
This ten-week class will be conducted outdoors and in-person with COVID safety precautions.
- Schedule & Registration info:
- Tuesdays, April 13, 2021 to June 15, 2021
- Time: 4:30pm to 5:30pm
- Ages: 7-11
- Cost: $175.00 (Resident) $219.00 (Non-resident)
- Location: Bruce Starker Arts Park (Parks and Recreation Corvallis/Majestic Theatre)
- To register and more information please click link below: Zumba Kids (Ages 7-11)
Virtual Zumbini
Back to classesAges 0-4
Created by Zumba®, the global leader in dance fitness, and BabyFirstTM, the global leader in educational programming for babies, Zumbini® is an early childhood education program that uses original music and movement to promote cognitive, social, fine/gross motor skill, and emotional development from children ages 0 – 4, all while creating the ultimate bonding experience for a parent or legal guardian in our original, “mommy and me” format.
During this ten-week class, we will be singing, dancing/moving, clapping, using instruments
(drums, bells, sticks, egg shakers, scarves or at-home alternatives) and we’ll get a digital access
code to practice/repeat the kid-friendly world rhythms and sing-along music from class at home through the
Zumbini® app.
- Schedule & Registration info:
- Thursdays, 11-11:40am
- Mondays, 5-5:40pm
- Price: $9
- To register and more information please click link below: 7-11)
Freestyle Dance and Singing
Back to classes-All Ages-
Outdoor freestyle dancing and singing in any weather. Instructed by Sabina Monn. Come enjoy nature, a variety of world music, company and fun while moving and singing freely together, socially distanced and with a mask. Bring water and rain gear/sun protection/clothing according to weather since we are out in the open.
Class Content and Benefits
In this class tailored to the more mature adult, we will focus our awareness on our own bodies’ needs and abilities and we will learn to move our bodies and voices in new ways. Participants will explore the personal ways that they express themselves to joyful upbeat and relaxing music by focusing on releasing held back energy, creating space to rejuvenate and find joy in their own bodies. We will support each other in finding and expressing our own creativity through movement and sound, and by becoming aware of our own patterns. To balance the outgoing playfulness, a few self-awareness and meditation exercises will broaden participant perception. Building playful connections and building community with others within the group through social interactions (within the Covid restriction rules) will be at the heart of the class. We will all get chances to experience leading and following, showing and observing as we practice to depict our experiences with the group and focus on listening to one another.
- Schedule & Registration info:
- Tuesdays, starting May 4th, 2021
- Time: 7pm
- Ages: All ages, tailored to seniors
- Price: $8-15 sliding scale
- Location: Cemetery 1945 SE Crystal Lake Dr, Corvallis, OR 97333
- To register and more information please click link below:
Virtual Freestyle Dance - Majestic Education
Back to classes-for Adults and Seniors (teens welcome as well)-
In these dance classes for adults, we will focus our awareness on our own bodies’ needs and abilities and we learn to move our bodies in new ways.
With artist Sabina Monn, participants will explore the personal ways that they express themselves to joyful upbeat and relaxing music by focusing on releasing held back energy, creating space to rejuvenate and find joy in their own bodies.
We will support each other in finding and expressing our own creativity through movement, and by becoming aware of our own movement patterns. To balance the outgoing playfulness, a few self-awareness and meditation exercises will broaden participant perception.
Building playful connections and building community with others within the group through social interactions -within the limitations of our online platform zoom- will be at the heart of the class.
We will all get chances to experience leading and following, showing and observing as we practice to depict our experiences with the group and focus on listening to one another.
- Schedule & Registration info:
- Fridays, Jan 22, 2021 to Mar 19, 2021
- 11:30am to 12:30pm
- Ages: 14 and up
- $67.00 (Resident), $84.00 (Non-resident)
- Location: Online
- To register and more information please click link below: Virtual Freestyle Dance
Zumba Kids (Ages 7-11) - Majestic Education
Back to classes-For Kids-
Perfect for our younger Zumba® fans! Kids 7-11 years old get the chance to socialize with friends and jam out to their favorite music. Zumba® Kids, Jr classes are rockin', high-energy dance parties packed with kid-friendly routines. We break down steps, add games, activities and cultural exploration elements into the class structure.
Helps develop a healthy lifestyle and incorporate fitness as a
natural part of children’s lives. Classes incorporate key childhood
development elements such as leadership, respect, team work,
confidence, self-esteem, memory, creativity, coordination, balance,
cultural awareness.
- Schedule & Registration info:
- Tuesdays, Jan 19, 2021 to Mar 16, 2021
- 4:30pm to 5:30pm
- Class Size: 4-9
- Cost: $155 In-City / $194 Out of City
- Location: Majestic Rehearsal Room
- To register and more information please click link below: Zumba Kids (Ages 7-11)
Clowning Around: Create Your Own Physical Comedy Character - Majestic Education
Back to classes
This class will teach clowning skills for beginners. No previous experience is needed!
As a clown, you will experience simplicity in a BIG (enlarged/magnify/amplified) way and learn to connect to the audience, by gifting them with your ability to feel (and express your emotions), pause, marvel, be honest and seriously humorous. We will find access to our own inner comedian through meditative grounding, body and voice awareness building exercises, simple theatre games, and gaits/movement. We will focus on listening and connecting to ourselves and each other, simplicity and slowing down. As we develop our own physical comedy character, we might add a few simple props and costumes to underline each individual. We will practice playing on stage and being the audience.
This class will be taught in-person with COVID safety procedures, with the option to jump to virtual if necessary.
- Schedule & Registration info:
- Tuesdays, Jan 19, 2021 to Mar 16, 2021
- 6:00pm to 7:00pm
- Ages: 18 and up
- Class Size: 4-9
- Cost: $155 In-City / $194 Out of City
- Location: Majestic Theatre Rehearsal Room
- To register and more information please click link below: Clowning Around: Create Your Own Physical Comedy Character
Virtual Zumbini (Ages 0-4) - Majestic Education
Back to classes-For Kids-
Created by Zumba, the global leader in dance fitness, and BabyFirstTM, the global leader in educational programming for babies, Zumbini® is an early childhood education program that uses original music and movement to promote cognitive, social, fine/gross motor skill, and emotional development from children ages 0 – 4, all while creating the ultimate bonding experience for a parent or legal guardian in our original, “mommy and me” format.
We will be singing, dancing/moving, clapping, using instruments (drums, bells, sticks, egg shakers, scarves or at-home alternatives) and we’ll get a digital access code to practice/repeat the kid-friendly world rhythms and sing-along music from class at home through the Zumbini app.
Registration covers one infant/toddler student and their caregiver, and it includes the cost of the digital access code for music through the app!
- Schedule & Registration info:
- Fridays, Jan 22, 2021 to Mar 19, 2021
- 10:00am-11:00am
- Class Size: 5-14
- Cost: $116 In-City / $143 Out of City
- Location: Online
- To register and more information please click link below: Virtual Zumbini (Ages 0-4) - Majestic Education
Freestyle Dance Online
Back to classes-For Adults-
Participants will explore the personal ways that they express themselves to joyful upbeat and relaxing music by focusing on releasing held back energy, creating space to rejuvenate and find joy in their own bodies. We will support each other in finding and expressing our own creativity through movement, and by becoming aware of our own movement patterns. To balance the outgoing playfulness, a few self-awareness and meditation exercises will broaden participant perception. Building playful connections and building community with others within the group through social interactions -within the limitations of our online platform zoom- will be at the heart of the class. We will all get chances to experience leading and following, showing and observing as we practice to depict our experiences with the group and focus on listening to one another.
- Good Morning Freestyle Dance Fridays, September 25 - November 13, 9:00am - 10:00am
- Lunch Break Freestyle Dance Wednesdays, September 16 - November 4, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
- Afternoon Freestyle Dance Thursdays, September 17 - November 5, 4:00pm - 5:00pm
- Evening Freestyle Dance Tuesdays, September 15 - November 3, 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Register at:
Register at:
Register at:
Register at:
Virtual Zumba® Kids
Back to classes-For Kids-
Perfect for our younger Zumba® fans! “Kids get the chance to be active and jam out to their favorite music. We break down steps, add games, activities and cultural exploration elements into the class structure. Helps develop a healthy lifestyle and incorporate fitness as a natural part of children’s lives by making fitness fun. Classes incorporate key childhood development elements such as leadership, respect, team work, confidence, self-esteem, memory, creativity, coordination, balance, cultural awareness.
- Ages 7-11: Mondays, 5-6pm Sept. 14 - Nov. 2
- Ages 4-6: Tuesdays, 4-5pm Sept. 15 - Nov. 3
Register at:
Register at:
Dancing to Our Own Music
Back to classes-For Kids-
Summer is filled with the sounds of playful creativity
In this all-day summer adventure, kids will learn about different flutes and wind-pipes/instruments. Everyone will assemble a PVC pipe of their own to keep. We’ll experiment how we can create and express music and rhythms with PVC pipes, our own voices and bodies. Then, we’ll spend time experimenting and expressing music with our instruments, with body language, elements of theater and movement/dance. As a group, we will create/compose an arrangement and a dance choreography to our own live flute/PVC pipe music. We will complete the summer camp week with our own performance for family members and friends.
- Schedule & Registration info:
- July 6 - July 10
- 9:00am - 4:00pm
- Full-Day
- Ages: 6-9
- To register please click direct link below:
Paint to Live Improvised Cello Music (Online Class)
Back to classes-All Ages-
Paint or draw to live, improvised cello music, receiving a soul warming, magical atmosphere in a structured, meditative, calming environment. Focus and tune in with yourself, express your creativity in your art and recharge your batteries, while letting yourself be inspired by the audible experience! Supply your own materials and set up your work space for your project and we’ll meet online on Zoom for a connecting group experience.
- Schedule & Registration info:
- July 6 - July 9
- 11:00am - 12:00pm
- All ages (younger children are welcome with adult supervision)
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (instruction and working)
- Thursday (show and tell)
- To register please click direct link below:
- We will be meeting and interacting online through zoom. Please make sure you have your work space set up next to/in front of your computer, so you can hear the live music and see Sabina playing music as well and see the other participants making art while you are also visible (being filmed by your computer.)
- If you have any questions, raise your arms visibly. We will verbally interact at the start and at the end, and perhaps a few times in between. I will mute all participants during certain intervals of music making to minimize audible disruptions.
- Prepare an empty paper or canvas, watercolors (or other paint/crayons/color pencils or such) as well as additional tools as a waterproof table cloth, cup of water, paper towel, pen and eraser or whatever you might need.
- You will let yourself be guided by the music and don’t yet need to know what you’ll be creating.
- If you have additional questions, feel free to email me ahead of the start of the class: MissSwissBliss@gmail.
Best Wishes, Sabina
Clowning Around
Back to classes-For Beginners-
Create your own physical comedy character, and develop your inner clown.
- Schedule & Registration info:
- April 16-May 21
- 4:45pm - 5:45pm
- Ages 18+ For Beginners
- 5-12 students
- Registration fee: $70/hr instructor pay, $79/$99 student price
- Location: Parks and Rec Majestic Theatre, Corvallis (Rehearsal Room)
- To register please click direct link below:
Good Morning and Freestyle Dance
Back to classes-for Adults and Seniors-
In this morning dance class for adults, we will focus our awareness on our own bodies’ needs and abilities and we learn to move our bodies in new ways.
With artist Sabina Monn, participants will explore the personal ways that they express themselves by focusing on releasing held back energy, creating space to rejuvenate and find joy in their own bodies.
We will support each other in finding and expressing our own creativity through movement, and by becoming aware of our own movement patterns. To balance the outgoing playfulness, a few self-awareness and meditation exercises will broaden participant perception. Building playful connections and building community with others within the group through social interactions will be at the heart of the class. We will all get chances to experience leading and following, showing and observing as we practice to depict our experiences with the group and focus on listening to one another.
- Schedule & Registration info:
- Thursdays, January 9 – February 27 (8 weekly classes)
- 8:30 am – 9:30 am
- Adults & Seniors All-levels
- Location: The Arts Center 700 SW Madison Ave. Corvallis, OR 97333
- To register please click direct link the Arts Center below:
Serious Silliness with Class Clowning!
Back to classes-for Kids-
Join us for Saturday morning clowning around! Students will create their own unique comedy character through listening exercises, collaboration, theater games and movement. They’ll explore simplicity and connecting with audiences to tell stories and bring their character to life with simple props and costumes. A perfect workshop for the class clown, entertainer who loves to make others laugh!
- Schedule & Registration info:
- Saturdays (3 weekly classes)
- January 25 – February 8
- 8:30 am – 9:30 am
- Kids (ages 9 – 14)
- Location: The Arts Center or Tunison Community Room – TBD
- Registration fee: $65.00 per student
- To register please click direct link the Arts Center below:
Monday Evening Slow Motion Contact Improvisation Dance Class & Jam
Back to classes-with live looping cello and vocals during jam or other music-
Explore improvised interactive dance, in which points of physical contact provide the starting point for joint movement improvisation. Playfully breathe, slow down and enjoy creating meditative dance as a group collaboration. Focus on self-awareness and being present in the moment.
For registration and payment information: please fill out and submit registration form. (Click on the blue word fill.)
- Mondays from 7pm-8:20pm
- Fall Class Set: Oct 7, 14, 21, 28, Nov 4, 11,18, 25, Dec 2, 9, 16
- Winter Class Set: Jan 6, 13, 20, 27, Feb 3, 10, 17, 24, March 2, 9, 16
- Spring Class Set: April 6, 13, 20, 27, May 4, 11, 18, 25, June 1, 8, 15
- Location: Integrative Acupuncture & Natural Therapeutics, 2727 NW 9th St, Corvallis, OR 97330
- Special offer: Three-months-set early bird: $105 $105 for three-months-set /11 classes if you sign up and pay by Sept 30/Dec 31/March31/by end of month of the month prior to class start! Please email me to receive the mailing address for sending in your check or
- Prepay per three-months-set: $132 $132 for 11 classes if paid by Oct 7/Jan 6/April 6/class start. Please email me to receive the mailing address for sending in your check or cash:MissSwissBliss@gmail.comor pay cash/check at class start.
- Set-of-four or more: Buy a set of at least four consecutive classes for $14 each. Please email me prior to class at .
- Drop in $15: Please email me prior to class at or leave me a message at +1 (458) 215-1173 if you want to drop in.
- First time trial $10: Please email me prior to class at or leave me a message at +1 (458) 215-1173 if you want to do a first time trial.
Create and Develop Your Own Physical Comedy Character
Back to classesSept 12- Nov 14, 2019
Thursdays, 4pm-5pm
As a “clown,” you will experience simplicity in a BIG way and learn to connect to the audience, by gifting them with your ability to feel, pause, marvel, be honest and seriously humorous. We will find access to our own inner comedian through meditative grounding, body and voice awareness building exercises, simple theatre games, and gaits/ movement.
Please use direct link to sign up online, or go to page for current classes and workshops!
Dance and Play with Your Preschooler
Back to classesSept 12- Nov 14, 2019
Thursdays, 3pm-4pm
Let’s dance, play and learn with our preschoolers! Explore improvisational mind, body, and soul interactions with your preschooler to creatively express the qualities of music with body and voice. Enjoy live cello music accompaniment and guided imaginative imagery! For preschool children 3-5 years old together with one adult guardian.
Please use direct link to sign up online, or go to page for current classes and workshops!
Slow Motion Contact Improvisation Dance Basics
Back to classes-workshop with live cello music and guided imaginative imagery-
Saturday, May 11
2019, Noon - 4pm
Explore improvised interactive dance, in which points of physical contact provide the starting point for joint movement improvisation. Playfully breathe, slow down and enjoy creating meditative dance as a group collaboration. Focus on self-awareness and being present in the moment. Beginners are encouraged and welcome.
Please use direct link to sign up online, or go to page for current classes and workshops!
Dance & Play With Your Preschoolers
Back to classesTuesdays 10-11AM
Apr 2 - June 11, 2019
Let’s dance, play and learn with our preschoolers! Explore improvisational mind, body, and soul interactions with your preschooler to creatively express the qualities of music with body and voice. Enjoy live cello music accompaniment and guided imaginative imagery! For preschool children 3-5 years old together with one adult guardian.
Please use direct link to sign up online, or go to page for current classes and workshops!
Slow Motion Contact Improvisation Dance -Basics
Back to classesApr 2 - June11, 2019
Tuesdays Noon to 1.15pm
Explore improvised interactive dance, in which points of physical contact provide the starting point for joint movement improvisation. Playfully breathe, slow down and enjoy creating meditative dance as a group collaboration. Focus on self-awareness and being present in the moment. Beginners are encouraged and welcome. Age 18 and up.
Please use direct link to sign up online, or go to page for current classes and workshops!
Good Morning Dance!
Back to classesTuesdays 8.30 - 9.30am
Apr 2 - June11, 2019
Let’s welcome/embrace/step into our week with our improvisational, uplifting morning dance workout to a variety of joyous, upbeat and colorful music! We will dance, play and express our joy for connection and music with a variety of interactive warm up dance games and expressive movement. Physical limitations will be respected and accommodated. Age 18 and up/adults and seniors.
Please use direct link to sign up online, or go to page for current classes and workshops!
Polyrhythmic Schooling
Back to classesTuesdays, 1.30 - 2.30pm
Apr 2 - June11, 2019
Physically experience overlapping rhythms by stepping, clapping, moving your body, and by singing and chanting in call-and-response-form in a group setting. Small percussion instruments may be used as support.
Please use direct link to sign up online, or go to page for current classes and workshops!
Zumba Gold @ Timberhill Athletic Club
Back to classesTuesdays, 12:00-1pm and Fridays 12:30-1:30pm
Zumba® Gold is perfect for the active older adult who is looking for a modified Zumba at a lower-intensity. This class introduces easy-to-follow Zumba choreography that focuses on balance, range of motion, and coordination.
See Timberhill website for schedule, and club information link
Zumba @ Timberhill Athletic Club
Back to classes2021
Zumba® fuses energetic Latin rhythms with easy-to-follow dance steps to create a dynamic and exciting workout. Suitable for beginners as well as long-time Zumba enthusiasts, this class will keep your feet moving and your heart pumping!
See Timberhill website for schedule, and club information link
Zumba @ C3 Corvallis Community Center - Hybrid Class Virtual & In-Person options
Back to classesMondays & Wednesdays 6:45-7:30pm
Zumba® fuses energetic Latin rhythms with easy-to-follow dance steps to create a dynamic and exciting workout. Suitable for beginners as well as long-time Zumba enthusiasts, this class will keep your feet moving and your heart pumping!
See C3 Community Center website for sign-up information link
Zumba Gold Chair @ C3 Corvallis Community Center - Hybrid Class Virtual & In-Person options
Back to classesTuesdays 1-1:45PM & Thursdays 9:15-10:00am
Chair Zumba® is a gentle workout that feels like a party! Classes combine Latin and international music with dance moves while being supported in your chair.
See C3 Community Center website for sign-up information link
Virtual Zumbini
Back to classesTuesdays 9:30-10:10AM
Created by Zumba®, the global leader in dance fitness, and BabyFirstTM, the global leader in educational programming for babies, Zumbini® is an early childhood education program that uses original music and movement to promote cognitive, social, fine/gross motor skill, and emotional development from children ages 0 – 4, all while creating the ultimate bonding experience for a parent or legal guardian in our original, “mommy and me” format. During this ten-week class, we will be singing, dancing/moving, clapping, using instruments (drums, bells, sticks, egg shakers, scarves or at-home alternatives) and we’ll get a digital access code to practice/repeat the kid-friendly world rhythms and sing-along music from class at home through the Zumbini® app.
Sign-up on Zumbini website link Select Tuesday and enter Corvallis, OR
You can also email Sabina directly at
Freestyle Singing and Dancing Virtual Class through LBCC
Back to classesPreviously offered Fall 2021
In this class tailored to the more mature adult, we will focus our awareness on our own bodies’ needs and abilities, learning to move our bodies and voices in new ways through song and dance. Participants will explore the personal ways that they express themselves to joyful, upbeat, and relaxing music by focusing on releasing held back energy, creating space to rejuvenate, and find joy in their own bodies. Self-awareness and meditation exercises will also broaden participant perception.
Previous Class
Freestyle Singing and Dancing Virtual Class through LBCC
Back to classesPreviously offered Winter 2021
In this class tailored to the more mature adult, we will focus our awareness on our own bodies’ needs and abilities, learning to move our bodies and voices in new ways through song and dance. Participants will explore the personal ways that they express themselves to joyful, upbeat, and relaxing music by focusing on releasing held back energy, creating space to rejuvenate, and find joy in their own bodies. Self-awareness and meditation exercises will also broaden participant perception.
Previous Offering
Freestyle Singing and Dancing Virtual Class through LBCC
Back to classesPreviously offered Spring 2022
In this class tailored to the more mature adult, we will focus our awareness on our own bodies’ needs and abilities, learning to move our bodies and voices in new ways through song and dance. Participants will explore the personal ways that they express themselves to joyful, upbeat, and relaxing music by focusing on releasing held back energy, creating space to rejuvenate, and find joy in their own bodies. Self-awareness and meditation exercises will also broaden participant perception.
Previous offering
Freestyle Singing and Dancing Virtual Class through LBCC
Back to classesTuesdays 6:00-6:50PM
8 Sessions, starting June 5th, 2022 to August 23rd, 2022
In this class tailored to the more mature adult, we will focus our awareness on our own bodies’ needs and abilities, learning to move our bodies and voices in new ways through song and dance. Participants will explore the personal ways that they express themselves to joyful, upbeat, and relaxing music by focusing on releasing held back energy, creating space to rejuvenate, and find joy in their own bodies. Self-awareness and meditation exercises will also broaden participant perception.
See LBCC Community Education website for sign-up information, class #16897 link
Zumbini Virtual Class through LBCC
Back to classesMondays & Wednesdays 2:00-2:50PM
October 4 - November 22, 2021
Created by Zumba and BabyFirstTM, the global leaders of dance fitness and education, Zumbini® is an early childhood education program that uses original music and movement to promote cognitive, social, fine/gross motor skill, and emotional development from children ages 0-4, all while creating the ultimate bonding experience for a parent or legal guardian in our original, ‘mommy and me’ format. Bring your young one and join the fun!
Previous Class
Let's Sing in German! Virtual Class through LBCC
Back to classesPreviously offered Fall 2021
We will be warming up our voices with creative relaxation, movement, and sound exercises before learning and singing a variety of German songs in a group setting via Zoom from our own homes. Listening to each other and singing together will be spotlighted, whereas German pronunciation practice (with a Swiss accent) might spice things up a bit. Light movement patterns will help support our song learning process.
Previous Class
Let's Sing in German! Virtual Class through LBCC
Back to classesPreviously offered Spring 2022
We will be warming up our voices with creative relaxation, movement, and sound exercises before learning and singing a variety of German songs in a group setting via Zoom from our own homes. Listening to each other and singing together will be spotlighted, whereas German pronunciation practice (with a Swiss accent) might spice things up a bit. Light movement patterns will help support our song learning process.
Previous Class
Let's Sing in German! Virtual Class through LBCC
Back to classesThursdays 5:15-6:05PM
8 Sessions starting April 7th, 2022 - May 26th, 2022
We will be warming up our voices with creative relaxation, movement, and sound exercises before learning and singing a variety of German songs in a group setting via Zoom from our own homes. Listening to each other and singing together will be spotlighted, whereas German pronunciation practice (with a Swiss accent) might spice things up a bit. Light movement patterns will help support our song learning process.
See LBCC Community Education website for sign-up information, class #44944 link
Cello for Beginners Virtual through LBCC
Back to classesTuesdays 4:30-5:20PM
10 Sessions starting April 5th, 2022 - June 7th, 2022
Have you dreamt of trying out playing the acoustic cello? This class is your chance. We will learn the basics of playing cello in a group setting via zoom. No previous skills/experiences are needed. Between positioning your body with the cello, tuning, bow care and handling, finger patters, plucking, using a bow and cleaning the instruments, we will explore different cello sounds, the C major and minor scales and touch on notation/music theory. Our goal is to play a few simple children’s songs together. Don’t expect to create harmonious sounds easily; playing cello beautifully takes years of practice and consistency. In addition, I’ll demonstrate to you my electric cello. Bring cello, bow, rosin and chair.
See LBCC Community Education website for sign-up information, class #44919 link
Zumba Gold Chair Virtual Class through LBCC
Back to classesPreviously offered Winter 2021
Zumba® Gold Chair is a gentle workout that feels like a party! Classes combine Latin and international music with dance moves while being supported in your
chair. This fitness program is designed for the active older adult, the beginner participant, or other special populations that need modifications for success.
Have fun, move body to music, listen to own’s body’s needs, connect with other students, enjoy music and community.
Previous Offering
Zumba Gold Chair Virtual Class through LBCC
Back to classesPreviously offered Spring 2022
Zumba® Gold Chair is a gentle workout that feels like a party! Classes combine Latin and international music with dance moves while being supported in your
chair. This fitness program is designed for the active older adult, the beginner participant, or other special populations that need modifications for success.
Have fun, move body to music, listen to own’s body’s needs, connect with other students, enjoy music and community.
Previous offering
Zumba Gold Chair Virtual Class through LBCC
Back to classesTuesdays / Thursdays 3-3:50PM
8 Weeks, starts June 5th 2022 - August 25th, 2022
Zumba® Gold Chair is a gentle workout that feels like a party! Classes combine Latin and international music with dance moves while being supported in your
chair. This fitness program is designed for the active older adult, the beginner participant, or other special populations that need modifications for success.
Have fun, move body to music, listen to own’s body’s needs, connect with other students, enjoy music and community.
See LBCC Community Education website for sign-up information, class #16899 link
Rhythm Flow Balance(Dance-Stretch-Meditate) through LBCC
Back to classesPrevioulsy offered Spring 2022
A blend of energetic dances (choreographed and improvised) to latin and upbeat world music, stretching, and relaxing breath- and imagery meditations.
Follow a dance class, allow yourself to relax and breathe deeply through stretching and meditations. Find inner balance, access community and connection with people from own home.
Previous offering
Rhythm Flow Balance(Dance-Stretch-Meditate) through LBCC
Back to classesTuesday 10-11:20AM
10 Sessions, starts April 5th, 2022 - June 7th, 2022
A blend of energetic dances (choreographed and improvised) to latin and upbeat world music, stretching, and relaxing breath- and imagery meditations.
Follow a dance class, allow yourself to relax and breathe deeply through stretching and meditations. Find inner balance, access community and connection with people from own home.
See LBCC Community Education website for sign-up information, class #44943 link
Dance Meditation Virtual Class through LBCC
Back to classesPreviously offered Winter 2021
Inspired by soothing and activating international music, follow your inner unconscious emotions and express them through movement from moment to moment. Let the dance come to you, guided by your original inner self and your body’s needs. Trust your authentic inner guide and intuition. Simple structures and repetitions can help ground you and create space. Find rest in your inner depth, let your flow balance you between movement and relaxation.
Courageously allow yourself to let the music inspire you to move freely, without preconceived expectation about outcomes. Practice letting loose and trusting your own intuition. Connect with inner self and find calm.
Previous offering
Dance Meditation Virtual Class through LBCC
Back to classesPreviously offered Spring 2022
Inspired by soothing and activating international music, follow your inner unconscious emotions and express them through movement from moment to moment. Let the dance come to you, guided by your original inner self and your body’s needs. Trust your authentic inner guide and intuition. Simple structures and repetitions can help ground you and create space. Find rest in your inner depth, let your flow balance you between movement and relaxation.
Courageously allow yourself to let the music inspire you to move freely, without preconceived expectation about outcomes. Practice letting loose and trusting your own intuition. Connect with inner self and find calm.
Previous offering
Dance Meditation Virtual Class through LBCC
Back to classesThursdays 6:30-7:50PM
8 Sessions starting July 7th, 2022 - August 25th, 2022
Inspired by soothing and activating international music, follow your inner unconscious emotions and express them through movement from moment to moment. Let the dance come to you, guided by your original inner self and your body’s needs. Trust your authentic inner guide and intuition. Simple structures and repetitions can help ground you and create space. Find rest in your inner depth, let your flow balance you between movement and relaxation.
Courageously allow yourself to let the music inspire you to move freely, without preconceived expectation about outcomes. Practice letting loose and trusting your own intuition. Connect with inner self and find calm.
See LBCC Community Education website for sign-up information, class #16884 link
Dance Improvisation to Classical Music through LBCC
Back to classesTuesday 7:15-8:05PM
10 Sessions starting April 5th, 2022 - June 7th, 2022
Have you heard: “Dance is music made visible?” Would you enjoy an uplifting and connecting musical dance experience to a variety of classical music? We will creatively express the qualities and patterns of classical music with improvised body movements. We will pay attention to the elements inherent in the audible music, experience them through movements and dance them out playfully and interactively. Physical limitations ( chair/wheelchair) will be respected and accommodated.
See LBCC Community Education website for sign-up information, class #44921 link
Fit & Strong @ C3 Corvallis Community Center
Back to classesMondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 3-4:30pm
Starts July 11th, 2022
This class uses flexibility, light strength training, aerobic walking and health education to promote increased health and fitness. It is a great entry level class to help you get back into exercising. It is a great exercise for those participants experiencing osteoarthritis, limited mobility or reservations about starting a fitness class. This program is endorsed by the CDC and the National Council on Aging.
No registration is required, please scan your membership when you arrive. *This in person class is eligible for Silver & Fit and Active & Fit.
See C3 Community Center website for information link

About me
Sabina Monn studied music and movement education at a College of the Arts in Switzerland and taught a variety of subjects (to all ages: toddlers to adults) as music, rhythmics, dance/movement, drama, musical, choir, children’s orchestra, group percussion, piano, cello, voice and art. She taught at different schools, churches, community centers as well as private lessons. She specializes in combining improvisation and play.